At Kidzplay Netball our aim is to allow players to develop from novice to skilled players in a fun and friendly environment. To assist this and as part of our commitment to the development of Netball for our young players we offer a variety of support to those taking up the challenge of Coaching and Umpiring.
A meeting will be held for the Coach and/or Manager of each team where we will outline our program and requirements. This will be an opportunity for you to meet our mentors and ask your questions. A FREE netball will be available for each team that attends the meeting (please note: balls will only be given to the coach of each team that attends the meeting and will not be given to netball co-ordinators or other school representatives).
Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 Team Representatives (Coaches & Managers):
When: Monday 5 May 2025
Time: 7.00pm – 8.30pm
Where: Arena – Building next to Gym (right off the entrance driveway – view map here)
Year 4, Year 5, Year 6 Team Representatives (Coaches & Managers):
When: Tuesday 6 May 2025
Time: 7.00pm – 8.30pm
Where: Arena – Building next to Gym (right off the entrance driveway – view map here)
Please note:
As part of our commitment to providing a learning environment for coaches and umpires as well as players we organise training sessions.
We ask that one coach and one umpire per team takes advantage of these opportunities. It is only by up-skilling coaches and umpires that we can be sure we are making it easier for ourselves and that we pass on the best information to our players.
Venue: Pinehurst Gymnasium (view map here)
Cost: $10.00 per person per session (includes handouts) - payable on the night or we can invoice schools
Bring: Please wear clothing and shoes suitable for participation
Each session covers different aspects of coaching and is run by coaching legend Michele Wallace from Netball North Harbour. Resources and handouts will be provided for coaches attending.
This is an opportunity to refresh and get some skills and tips for the 2025 season.
To make any enquiries, please email: (Please include your team name)
Please Note: These sessions are for COACHES ONLY, not players.
2025 Winter League
Terms 2 & 3:
2025 Spring League
Term 4:
The International Rules Advisory Panel met in 2019 to discuss the rule book. They made amendments to the 2018 version of the rules which took effect from 1 January 2020. The rules of Netball are set out in the International Rules of Netball book available from Sports Distributors - purchase a hard copy or view an online version.
Click here to view a copy of the International Rule Book (2020 Edition).
The Rules remain at all times the property of World Netball and copies of the Rules downloaded here are strictly not for sale or re-print. If you would like to purchase a Rules of Netball book these are available from Sports Distributors here.
Two umpires have control of the game and make the on-court decisions about the run of play.
Play is started with a pass from the centre circle – this is called the centre pass. There is a centre pass at the beginning of each quarter and half, and after each goal is scored. The teams take turns making the centre pass. The person making the centre pass must stand in the centre circle. The opposing centre can stand anywhere in the centre third but all other players must stay in the goal thirds until the umpire blows the whistle to start play. The centre pass has to be received in the centre third.
Once a player has landed with the ball, the first landed foot is called the grounded foot and must either stay on the ground or in the air until the ball is passed on. Re-grounding that same foot a second time while still in possession of the ball is a step which will result in a free pass to the opposition. Similarly, a hop, slide or drag of the grounded foot is not permitted.
The ball must be caught or touched in each third of the court by any player who is standing in the correct third and/or any player who lands in the correct third after catching the ball in the air.
Once the ball has been caught, the player must pass it or shoot for goal within three seconds.
When the ball goes out of court, the umpire takes note of which team touched it last. The throw in is then taken by a player from the opposing team close to where the ball went out of court. Standing close to the line from the outside of court, the player has three seconds to get the ball back in play.
Each player is allowed in only a certain area of the court. If a player steps into an area or any part of their body touches the ground in an area their playing position is not allowed to go, will be ruled offside.
There must be room on the court for an opposing player to be able to intercept the ball with a hand as it moves from the hands of the thrower to the hands of the receiver (this distance is not measured on the ground).
When a player is defending another player or trying to intercept the ball they must be at least 0.9 metres away from the grounded foot of the player who has the ball.
A player is not allowed to physically contact an opponent if it disrupts or stops that person from playing. Pushing the ball out of an opponent’s hands is also not permitted.
For contact, obstruction or moving the goalpost penalties, the offending player must stand beside or away from the thrower and where the umpire has indicated. A goal shooter or goal attack taking the penalty pass or shot in the goal circle can either pass the ball or shoot for goal.
The ball is out of court when:
• It touches the ground outside the court.
• It touches any person or object in contact with the ground outside the court. [Note: a player may have their foot on a line and it is not out of court].
A Toss-Up is awarded when simultaneous infringements occur, and the two opposing players;
• Catch the ball – the toss-up is taken where the players caught the ball.
• Put the ball out of court – the toss-up is taken on the court close to where the players hit the ball out of court.
• When two opposing players infringe at the same time when the ball is involved.
• Contact each other at the same time– the toss-up is taken where the players contacted each other.
Kidzplay Netball
75 Bush Road, Albany, Auckland, 0632
Saturday Phone: 021 172 9644 (for defaults and urgent matters)
Welcome Haere Mai | Respect Manaaki | Together Tūhono | Have Fun Kia Ngahau